Digital Dead’s Man Switch Plugin for WordPress – DDSM

Why this plugin ?

WordPress, the famous blog platform, is running around 25% of ALL websites on the internet – so I’m pretty sure that, statistically, your own online activity may revolve around this tool. That, or for people you know.

But what’s going to happen in case they don’t have the time to set up a proper digital will, or time to brief their executor? What if, your website itself could contact your executor if you’re not active on this website anymore?

What does this do ?

It handles what happens after we die. It monitors your own visits to your wordpress system, and will send you a warning email after a number of weeks (of your choice) without a visit. If you fail to visit your blog even after that, the system will send a mail you wrote to whoever you choose.

All time intervals and messages are customizable.

The will at the same time publish a page that you’d saved as a as your new frontpage – if you want to – so that your readers will know something happened to you.

This should be used to have someone keep your blog on the air in the unfortunate case of something mishappening to you.

This is also useful for those that want their blog to out-live them, and serve as an online memorial. Even without use of this plugin, all are recommended to make sure someone can handle their website in case of emergency.

Download the for free.


A classical WordPress plugin… Download it first, upload the zip file to your blog, go to plugins -> Add Plugin, and that’s it.


  • After installation, and the activation, just check in the box.
  • The then activates if you do not connect to your blog account.

Set up and usage

  1. Check that your email is correct
  2. Update the text of the reminders – mails that will be sent to you or anyone you want. Keep in mind there are 4 series of emails.
  3. On the last shipment of mails, when you have presumably been away too long from your computer.


Simple as it is … just get it here : [Download] on the WordPress platform.


Shall I keep my passwords in the mails to be sent?

No. Definitely no.

Why do I need to use a like this? I’m going to live for ever!

No, you’re not.

I got a warning email, what do I do?

Go to your options panel, and hit Reset.

Does this count only visits to my dashboard, or will it know me when I visit the blog?

Every visit to your wordpress system, blog or dashboard, count, as long as you’re logged in.

What if I just don’t care much for my blog, and visit it only once every few months?

First, you can set the time intervals, up to 30 weeks before the system assumes you’re no longer. Secondly, maybe this is not for you. The idea behind this plugin is that we visit our blogs daily, if not hourly, so if something happens to you, the blog will be the first to feel it.

I’m not using this plugin because I’m afraid my mother will get a false email from me saying I’m dead!**

The system will first send you a warning email after a default time period of two weeks without a visit. A week later it will send you another warning, and also a warning to your chosen next of kin, whom you can ask to contact you and tell you to go in and reset. only after these two time periods, will the plugin allow itself to assume the worst.

How do I know when the trigger will trigger ?

You’ll know (if still opening your mail) that you haven’t been connecting to your wordpress platform as you will receive a mail stating that you haven’t.

Contribute ?


Setting up the plugin
Setting up the plugin
First messages
First messages
Second half of messages
Second half of messages
Changing the homepage upon your death
Changing the homepage upon your death

Work in progress

  • [Download].
  • To be updated, the V01 just got released so far =)

Who ?

A plugin updated, for and by