Speaker talks to students about cyber safety

Speaker talks to students about cyber safety

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High school students from area schools listened to educational consultant Kevin Honeycutt about cyber safety on Wednesday.

Honeycutt, a former teacher from Inman, Kansas, presented the students with his speech Before They Click  Cyber Safety at the United Wireless Arena in Dodge City.

“I want to talk to you kids about your digital legacies,” Honeycutt said. “I want you to be proud of your digital legacy.

“In the world of social media, everything you put online tells me who and what you are.

“Dont live a secret life. Dont be the type of person that is nice to people at school, only to go home and become a Hitler online.”

Honeycutt displayed to the students different types of ways kids and people in general can use the technology of today and better help peoples lives.

“All the technology we have in our cell phones alone,” Honeycutt said, “is more than they had when they sent the Apollo astronauts to the moon.

“So with your cell phone, instead of gossiping or taking cat selfies, you can use that as a tool and create a business.

“If you do something you are passionate about you wont have time to do something stupid online.”

Honeycutt showed how by using just an iPad you can create a band, turn your photos into graphic design T-shirts or logos for companies that will pay for the creations made.

“Best of all, you can do it for free,” Honeycutt said. “With all the apps that are available right now, any one of you can create something that someone can buy and would want to buy, all while you are taking a flight across the country.

“If you come from a tough life, you can turn your story around and think about a career instead of worrying about your crazy life online. The only thing stopping you, is you.”

As part of the demonstration, Honeycutt asked a music teacher from the audience to join him while he played guitar. The teacher played the drums using an iPad application.

“Do something for yourself,” Honeycutt said. “And use technology to make life better.”

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  • Kevin Honeycutt speaks to high school students about cyber safety.
    Kevin Honeycutt speaks to high school students about cyber safety. PHOTO BY VINCENT MARSHALL/DODGE CITY DAILY GLOBE
  • By Vincent Marshall/Dodge City Daily Globe
    Posted Jan. 29, 2015 at 1:01 AM

    Dodge City, Kan.

    High school students from area schools listened to educational consultant Kevin Honeycutt about cyber safety on Wednesday.

    Honeycutt, a former teacher from Inman, Kansas, presented the students with his speech Before They Click  Cyber Safety at the United Wireless Arena in Dodge City.

    "I want to talk to you kids about your digital legacies," Honeycutt said. "I want you to be proud of your digital legacy.

    "In the world of social media, everything you put online tells me who and what you are.

    "Dont live a secret life. Dont be the type of person that is nice to people at school, only to go home and become a Hitler online."

    Honeycutt displayed to the students different types of ways kids and people in general can use the technology of today and better help peoples lives.

    "All the technology we have in our cell phones alone," Honeycutt said, "is more than they had when they sent the Apollo astronauts to the moon.

    "So with your cell phone, instead of gossiping or taking cat selfies, you can use that as a tool and create a business.

    "If you do something you are passionate about you wont have time to do something stupid online."

    Honeycutt showed how by using just an iPad you can create a band, turn your photos into graphic design T-shirts or logos for companies that will pay for the creations made.

    "Best of all, you can do it for free," Honeycutt said. "With all the apps that are available right now, any one of you can create something that someone can buy and would want to buy, all while you are taking a flight across the country.

    "If you come from a tough life, you can turn your story around and think about a career instead of worrying about your crazy life online. The only thing stopping you, is you."

    As part of the demonstration, Honeycutt asked a music teacher from the audience to join him while he played guitar. The teacher played the drums using an iPad application.

    "Do something for yourself," Honeycutt said. "And use technology to make life better."

    For more information on Honeycutt and the tools that are available, log on to www.kevinhoneycutt.org.

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