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I used to laugh at my mom and her little book of passwords and logins she kept next to her computer at home. I started to laugh a little less when I realized, most businesses need the equivilent of “a little book of passwords and logins” next to their computer at work. When it comes to business social media accounts, website access and rosters of emails of former employees, these digital assets are critical to the maintenance of your business brand and are commonly displaced, disregarded and then become MIA when you need to transfer “power” to the next guy or gal in the succession plan (you should have a succession plan for this by the way).
We know how it happens, an intern set up your social accounts, or Bob that guy that left like six months ago and everyone wondered what he did…turns out the both intern and Bob kept all of your digital assets running smoothly a job that isn’t very glamorous but very, very necessary to your brand representation to the outside world. So now you can’t get Bob’s picture off your website, and can’t figure out why there hasn’t been Twitter or Facebook activity in months. It should connect by now the vast hold Bob had on your brand. Don’t you wish you were a little nicer to Bob now? He had an important job, digital brand asset management – and you though the was “just” in sales.
At 834 Design & Marketing, we see this scenario play out time and again when we onboard a new client. It’s a common thing really, nothing to be particularly embarrassed about but certainly something that you can and want to tackle before it becomes a problem for the next Bob-person departure. Regaining control of your digital assets or passing the baton over to your next Bob isn’t super hard when you have all of the information at hand and easy to pass along. We recommend changing your passwords when an employee leaves your company that has had access to your digital assets and let’s be sure it’s something more difficult to crack than 1234 please. To make this task a little bit easier for you 834 Design & Marketing put together a little cheat sheet for you to maintain in a safe place (please don’t put it in your pencil drawer by your computer or tape it to the back of your monitor, we all know to look there for goodness sake-keep it locked up for safety). Protect your digital assets the same way you do your physical assets, after all it is not just an account, but your entire brand’s reputation at stake when these logins and passwords are compromised or lost.
Let us know your digital asset transfer success or #fail stories or how you use/used our dig asset crash plan to avoid asset complications.
It’s not so easy to get that Twitter password reset without the right email now is it?
Special thanks to Jason Dodge of Black Truck for urging me to write this post and helping me find the “look” for the doc.
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This entry was posted in Blog and tagged company branding, company digital brand, digital assets, intellectual property, online property, social media and digital asset control, social media succession planning, succession planning, succession planning digital brand.
Click here to view original web page at What’s Your Digital Asset Crash Plan?
I used to laugh at my mom and her little book of passwords and logins she kept next to her computer at home. I started to laugh a little less when I realized, most businesses need the equivilent of “a little book of passwords and logins” next to their computer at work. When it comes to business social media accounts, website access and rosters of emails of former employees, these digital assets are critical to the maintenance of your business brand and are commonly displaced, disregarded and then become MIA when you need to transfer “power” to the next guy or gal in the succession plan (you should have a succession plan for this by the way).
We know how it happens, an intern set up your social accounts, or Bob that guy that left like six months ago and everyone wondered what he did…turns out the both intern and Bob kept all of your digital assets running smoothly a job that isn’t very glamorous but very, very necessary to your brand representation to the outside world.
So now you can’t get Bob’s picture off your website, and can’t figure out why there hasn’t been Twitter or Facebook activity in months. It should connect by now the vast hold Bob had on your brand. Don’t you wish you were a little nicer to Bob now? He had an important job, digital brand asset management – and you though the was “just” in sales.
At 834 Design & Marketing, we see this scenario play out time and again when we onboard a new client. It’s a common thing really, nothing to be particularly embarrassed about but certainly something that you can and want to tackle before it becomes a problem for the next Bob-person departure. Regaining control of your digital assets or passing the baton over to your next Bob isn’t super hard when you have all of the information at hand and easy to pass along. We recommend changing your passwords when an employee leaves your company that has had access to your digital assets and let’s be sure it’s something more difficult to crack than 1234 please. To make this task a little bit easier for you 834 Design & Marketing put together a little cheat sheet for you to maintain in a safe place (please don’t put it in your pencil drawer by your computer or tape it to the back of your monitor, we all know to look there for goodness sake-keep it locked up for safety). Protect your digital assets the same way you do your physical assets, after all it is not just an account, but your entire brand’s reputation at stake when these logins and passwords are compromised or lost.
Let us know your digital asset transfer success or #fail stories or how you use/used our dig asset crash plan to avoid asset complications.
It’s not so easy to get that Twitter password reset without the right email now is it?